
A Leading Institution for Knowledge Sharing and Technology Exchange in Asia


A Visit of MES and MULS of Mongolia to Korea

관리자 2022.04.25 09:53

A Visit of Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia and

Mongolian University of Life Science to Korea

From 15th to 22nd April, Mr. Battogtokh, director of Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Mongolia, and Mr. Tumurbaatar, president of Mongolian University of Life and Science (MULS), visited Korea.

The veterinary school of MULS has been receiving ODA (Official Development Assistance) from the veterinary school of Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. This project aims to not only build animal treatment center in MULS in Ulaanbaatar and support medical equipment, but also educate how to operate equipments of animal diagnosis and treatment as well as prevention, treatment, and screening methods for infectious diseases of farm animals (cow and horse). Mr. Battogtokh and Mr. Tumurbaatar were invited to Korea for the invitation training, and they also visited ASPA Secretariat during the schedule in Korea.

ASPA Secretariat provided them with how to operate ASPA and introduced what ASPA and members have been doing for the joint development of local scientific technology and industry in Asia. Mr. Battogtokh and Mr. Tumurbaatar also introduced Science Park of Mongolia.

MES of Mongolia, playing a key role in the development of science of Mongolia, is planning to build Science Parks which are specialized in the agriculture and livestock field in the future and is in need of the provision of information about establishment and operation of various types of Science parks in other countries. Mr. Battogtokh, Mr. Tumurbaatar and ASPA Secretariat came up with how to cooperate with each other in this regard and also shared the views on the further long-term collaboration. It is expected that there will be a lot of opportunities of exchange between them and ASPA in the future.