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Korean Society for Human Resources Management held the fall academic conference

관리자 2023.11.27 14:21

Korean Academy of Organization and Management held the fall academic conference

The fall academic conference of the Korean Society for Human Resources Management was held at the Konkuk University (Seoul) on the 17th. This academic conference, with 47 years of tradition, collaborated with the Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology ( KIRD ) at this conference, and its experts used the relevant human resource data it had so far to present performance measures and effective management of human resources.

In addition, experts from industry, academia, and research institutes addressed issues of how AI and patented technologies will be utilized and managed within organizations, and provided various perspectives, such as suggesting 'City-level human resource management' and 'Patent-based problem solving'.

In particular, 34 papers in 10 sessions proposed numerous implications for the organizational field through the combination of theory and practice.

The Korean Society for Human Resources Management, founded in 1977, is the most traditional academic society and is famous for its diverse participation and cooperation, from young researchers in their 20s to seniors in their 80s. Kyonggi University) shows the highest impact index every year.

Professor Choi Jong-in (Hanbat National University), the 39th president, said at this conference, “Research from a diverse spectrum on active and creative human resource management in a rapidly changing environment will be presented,” and “Participation and utilization of industry-academic connections will be of practical help.” He said.