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The Far Eastern Start program in Russky Technopark crosses the halfway point

관리자 2021.04.05 09:39

The Far Eastern Start program in

Russky Technopark crosses the halfway point

Press release April 1, 2021

The second module of the Far Eastern Start educational program organized by Russky Technopark and the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) has started on March 1 and now, reaches its midpoint. Students from 6 Russian regions are taking part in the project aimed at the involvement of the youth in technological entrepreneurship. Overall, the Far Eastern Start has received applications from more than 400 people who formed 47 teams.

During the first month, there have been three workshops devoted to the presentation of a product, No-code development, and different aspects of opening a business in Russia. The participants continue to work closely with trackers and advisers who help them to develop their ideas into products. For IT and engineering projects, the FEFU Student Tech & Innovation Center provides access to equipment and technical assistance. Under such guidance, the participants have tested their markets and now they are working on developing the offers. Two projects, namely WLKR –a mobile app with interactive audio excursions – and an online IT-school, have already entered the markets and got their first sales.

In the upcoming month of the Far Eastern Start, the participants will attend workshops on unit-economics and the application process to the Skolkovo Foundation, the leading high-tech institution in Russia. With the knowledge and experience acquired from the speakers, trackers, and advisers, the teams will present their MVPs on April 26-28. The most successful of them will be selected to perform in front of the potential investors as well as get a chance to present their products at the Eastern Economic Forum 2021.