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ISTT held the 17th Sheikh Bahai Festival to improve start-ups

관리자 2023.05.22 10:05:15

ISTT held the 17th Sheikh Bahai Festival to improve start-ups

Isfahan Science and Technology Park (ISTT) hosted the 17th Sheikh Bahai Technopreneurship Festival (SHTF) on the 10th & 11th of May 2023.

This festival aims to identify the country’s unknown entrepreneurial and innovative minds working in different fields of science and technology and to introduce them to eager investors looking for a new project to back.

The program was divided into a variety of sessions. The non-competition section of the event, in its 17th edition, includes a variety of programs;

- an exhibition introducing the latest achievements of technology companies

- a B2B matchmaking event

- a training workshop on Global Success Beyond Hard Skill

- a panel discussion on “ Business Growth Strategic Challenges

In the competition section of the festival, startups and technology companies were identified and evaluated in various fields. Afterwards, the best of them were introduced to the audience and investors while receiving a cash prize to develop their market.

Meanwhile, speaking in the press conference, the head of Science and Research Township in Isfahan, central Iran, said that general enculturation of the technology parks and complexes must be associated with the economic environment of the society through proper links.

Ghasem Moslehi told the reporters that efforts are being made to create an interactive environment for that purpose saying: "We are trying to create stock markets for start-ups."

Moslehi then reported the enforcement of retrench and technology area's insurance and pointed to different events such as Khwarizmi International Award, Sheikh Bahaee Technopreneurship National Festival, and UNESCO National Award as incentives to boost the players in the interactive environment.